pinch-hitting for my boy tonight
Tonight I had the honor of filling in for my good friend and brand-new 2nd-time father, David Hickman as the speaker at CharlotteONE:. The previous week I had done a live painting onstage while he spoke on the Cross of Christ. (It was so much fun and I believe we are going to auction off the painting and give the proceeds to ONE)
Anyway, he was going to speak tonight, but his wife decided she’d go into labor this afternoon (so selfish!). 😉 He had asked me a few weeks ago if I would be able to step in should the need arise and I said absolutely. So tonight, David got to welcome Cole Wayne Hickman into the world and I got to teach on Jesus’ cry of “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?!”
If you’re interested in hearing the message, it is up on the CharlotteONE: website here. It was a fantastic experience and maybe if I’m fortunate, or if David has any more kids on a Tuesday night, they’ll ask me back. 🙂
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