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My next speaking engagement!

Beginning June 6th, I will be speaking as part of a 3-week Sunday Evening series on interpreting the Bible in context at Good Shepherd Church here in Charlotte.

I want to invite everyone in the area to come check it out!  It’s gonna be a great series!

Here is an overview of the series:

ConTXT: How to read and understand God’s TXT

ConTXT 1: Excavation

June 6, 5:30 – 7:00 – I can read it, but what does it mean? Explore helpful tools for studying scripture and apply them to one of the most intriguing books of the Bible, Revelation. ConTXT 1: Excavation is led by James-Michael Smith.

ConTXT 2: Illumination

June 13, 5:30 – 7:00 – The preacher on TV says God wants everyone to be rich. The Bible says the last shall be first.  My neighbor says the faithful will be healed. What about my loved one who died? ConTXT 2: Illumination is a panel discussion about all this confusion. What does scripture really say about prosperity, healing, and missions? Come find out. Panel participants will be Talbot Davis, James-Michael Smith, Ron Dozier, and Rich Tuttle.

ConTXT 3: Generation

June 27, 5:30 – 7:00 – Got your own questions about scripture you’d like answered? Generate your question and submit it at under the Events tab. ConTXT 3: Generation will be a lively, informative Q&A session moderated by Chris Thayer and led by James-Michael Smith.

Register for ConTXT at

Good Shepherd Church.  13110 Moss Road.  Charlotte, NC 28278.   704.588.3309

Posted by on May 30, 2010.

Categories: Blog, Ministry

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