Foundry UMC declares same-sex unions allowable
The Washington, D.C. based Foundry United Methodist Church has voted to oppose official UM doctrine on the incompatibility of same-sex sexual relationships and Christian sexual ethics and to allow its sanctuary to be used for same-sex marriage ceremonies and its clergy to perform same-sex marriage ceremonies. According to the church’s website:
On Sunday, September 26, 2010, the members of Foundry United Methodist Church voted to allow same-gender marriages performed in its building, and to support any member of the Foundry clergy who chooses to celebrate a same-gender marriage at Foundry or elsewhere.
The vote to adopt this policy was 367 to 8. It took place at a Church Conference duly convened under the Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church. The vote was preceded by a four-month-long period of discernment during which the congregation spent much time considering this policy in prayer, study, discussion and congregational conversations.
The Foundry congregation believes that the consecration of committed, loving relationships is an important part of our ministry, witnessing to the joyous gifts of God’s love. As disciples of Jesus Christ living out this decision we will continue to work to deepen our faith, engage as Christian community, and transform the world through service and witness. We welcome all to join us in fulfilling this call.
This action is seen by many within and outside of the church in the same light as previous UM churches use of civil disobedience and rejection of denominational trends during the eras of slavery and segregation. Same-sex relationships are seen as the natural progression and continuation of the fight for civil rights, and therefore, proponents of the acceptance of same-sex sexual relationships within the church believe that history will vindicate their actions in openly disobeying the church’s teachings at the moment.
Despite being rhetorically strong, the argument that same-sex sexual relationships are equivalent to the civil rights movement is illegitimate for a number of reasons…
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Categories: Biblical Theology, Blog, Ministry, New Testament, Political/Social issues, Relationships, Theological issues