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Rapture billboard foolishness

Foolish – adjective

1.     unwise; silly
2.     resulting from folly or stupidity
3.     ridiculous or absurd; not worthy of consideration
4.     weak-minded; simple
5.     an archaic word for insignificant

Photo Credits - Dave Weaver, AP

Every one of these definitions could apply to the new billboard campaign by Raleigh, N.C.-based in which approximately 50 billboards are being placed around the country declaring that the Rapture will occur on May 21, 2011 (take that, Mayans!!).

Cited in an article by the Atlanta Journal Constituition, spokesperson Allison Warden declares, “The Bible teaches that Christ is returning on May 21 and we want to encourage people to go to Scripture and investigate for themselves,” said Warden, who insists the Christmas-timed campaign is not a gimmick. “All information in the Bible points to this date. God is going to be saving people right up until the last moment.”

By “all information in the Bible” does Warden include the parts that say…

[continue to full article]

Posted by on December 10, 2010.

Categories: Biblical Theology, Blog, Book of Revelation, Church History, Eschatology, Heaven, Ministry, New Testament, Theological issues

4 Responses

  1. JM… I have heard about this campaign. We actually discussed it in my New Testament Biblical theology class a few weeks ago. I cant wait until they discover that their math was wrong and come up with some ooops… we forgot to factor in this date…. CRAP!

    by Kurt on Dec 10, 2010 at 8:43 pm

  2. I wish all the believers in it would pool their resources and give them to me. Then, on the day after I would ask them if they’d like it all back or not. If they proposed another date I’d keep it; if they repented I’d give it back. 🙂

    by jm on Dec 10, 2010 at 8:59 pm

  3. James
    i stumbled onto their website a few months ago, someone in my neighborhood had a homemade sign announcing the date of the end. After a few weeks, curiosity got the best of me and I googled it, and found their site. They certainly have some “interesting” interpretations, but the one that really stood out to me was the one about every church being corrupted by Satan, and the need for every believer to disassociate from EVERY church! Did you see this one? Interseted to get your critique on their exegesis on this matter.

    by Jason on Dec 12, 2010 at 3:01 am

  4. Jason,
    I think that they don’t do anything remotely resembling actual exegesis when it comes to their view of every church being hopelessly corrupted. They do a whole ‘lotta eisegesis though! 🙂

    by jm on Dec 13, 2010 at 5:59 am

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