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“Does a Good God Exist?” Hitchens/Dembski debate

Recently the (in)famous writer, and noted “New Atheist” Christopher Hitchens debated mathematician and Intelligent Design theorist William Dembski on the question “Does a Good God Exist?”

The debate has been posted at The Apologist:

Both speakers are prone to controversy, and both have their vocal critics. Thus, getting them to go head-to-head on this topic makes for quite a turnout.

Hitchens really is an incredibly gifted orator. A master of persuasion and eloquence. Screwtape himself could hardly do better at demonizing the belief in and allegiance to God (and that is really meant as a compliment!). I would love to have the chance to participate in such a debate with him.

What do you think after watching the debate? What would you have said or not said or said differently?


ps: If you’re wondering why Hitchens looks so different it’s because he has stage 4 cancer. Please pray for Christopher Hitchens, who, despite doing everything he can to denounce and persuade people away from belief in God, is still loved by God and bears His Image.

Posted by on November 27, 2010.

Categories: Arts and Culture, Blog, Political/Social issues, Science & Scripture, Theological issues

One Response

  1. OT nerd point of interest: At around 55 mins in, Hitchens makes a big deal of the lack of evidence for the Exodus found by Israeli archeologists working in the Sinai. What he seems unaware of is that they were looking in the wrong place. Sinai is not the traditional site in the southern Sinai peninsula. Rather, it is MUCH more likely that it is across the Gulf of Aqaba in modern Saudi Arabia at a site called Jebel al-Lawz (or somewhere nearby). For more, see the DVD “The Exodus Revealed.”

    by jm on Nov 28, 2010 at 2:40 am

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