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Ann Coulter, you need to repent. Seriously. *Update*


Okay, rather than delete this post and pretend I didn’t get TOTALLY taken in by it, I’m going to leave it so that there will be a record of the fact that I did in fact totally get taken in by a satirical article!

Ann Coulter, I am relieved to find out that you did not make the following comments about gassing Arabs. However, your comments in the past are almost as abhorrent and the sentiments below would apply to anyone saying things like: “I think the government should be spying on all Arabs, engaging in torture as a televised spectator sport, dropping daisy cutters wantonly throughout the Middle East.”

But well played, Daily Currant. Well played. You successfully trolled the Dojo and I have to admit it to my own shame. 🙂



“Someone needs to explain to me why gassing Arabs is such a bad thing,” she replied. “I mean aren’t these the same people that attacked us on September the 11th? Look, the system is working. Arabs are killing Arabs and that means in the future there will be fewer of them trying to kill us. I say we send them all the chemical weapons we have, and let them sort it out amongst themselves. Hopefully when it’s all over we’d be left with some empty space to colonize. Personally I’d like to see megachurches and Home Depots outside Damascus.”  -Ann Coulter

It’s time for a little thought experiment, Dojo readers…

Let’s replace “Arabs” (which is an ethnic group consisting of a WIDE variety of people groups throughout the Middle East and north Africa–Christians, Jews and Muslims) with other ethnic groups and see how Ann’s words sound:

“Someone needs to explain to me why gassing JEWS is such a bad thing,” she replied. “I mean aren’t these the same people that attacked us on September the 11th? Look, the system is working. JEWS are killing JEWS and that means in the future there will be fewer of them trying to kill us. I say we send them all the chemical weapons we have, and let them sort it out amongst themselves. Hopefully when it’s all over we’d be left with some empty space to colonize. Personally I’d like to see megachurches and Home Depots outside JERUSALEM.”

“Someone needs to explain to me why gassing AFRICANS is such a bad thing,” she replied. “I mean aren’t these the same people that attacked us on September the 11th? Look, the system is working. AFRICANS are killing AFRICANS and that means in the future there will be fewer of them trying to kill us. I say we send them all the chemical weapons we have, and let them sort it out amongst themselves. Hopefully when it’s all over we’d be left with some empty space to colonize. Personally I’d like to see megachurches and Home Depots outside NAIROBI.”

“Someone needs to explain to me why gassing ASIANS is such a bad thing,” she replied. “I mean aren’t these the same people that attacked us on September the 11th? Look, the system is working. ASIANS are killing ASIANS and that means in the future there will be fewer of them trying to kill us. I say we send them all the chemical weapons we have, and let them sort it out amongst themselves. Hopefully when it’s all over we’d be left with some empty space to colonize. Personally I’d like to see megachurches and Home Depots outside TOKYO.”


Not nearly as cute or clever, huh? Yet there are people who claim to be followers of Jesus who would defend Ann’s comments or shrug them off.

This is nothing short of shameful and a spitting in the face of the one bled for “every tribe, language, people and nation” (Revelation 5:9).

Here are just a couple of key facts Ann seems to ignore (or is ignorant of):

* Number of Syrians involved in 9/11 = 0
* Oldest Christian community in the world = Arab Christians in the Middle East
* Advocating chemical weapon usage to wipe out a people group = genocide, no matter how many hip TV analogies you try to make.

Ann Coulter, I have no illusions that you are reading this. But on the offhand chance that someone points you to this little website known as Disciple Dojo, I urge you with 100% conviction and utter seriousness:

Repent of your abhorrent racism and idolatrous nationalism, Ann.

Your tongue is set on fire by Hell itself and it will consume you on that day when you stand before the God who created Arabs in His image and likeness–on that day when “everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken” (Matthew 12:36).

And if you claim you were only joking and you didn’t really mean it then you are, in God’s eyes, on the same moral footing as an insane person opening fire into a crowd.

Ann, your words are demonically hateful (regardless of whether or not you were just trying to be a political shock jock) and you will be held accountable for them.

I urge you in the name of Jesus to repent and seek reconciliation, first with God, then with those you have spoken so carelessly and callously toward.

From the Dojo,


Posted by on September 11, 2013.

Categories: Blog, Global, Political/Social issues

2 Responses

  1. The quotation cited at the top is from a satire – Coulter did NOT say those words.

    But Coulter DOES need to repent. See the free PDF book – Vanity: Ann Coulter’s Quest for Glory – at

    by Peter Castle on Sep 11, 2013 at 2:09 am

  2. Yes I’m thankful that she did not say the above (and annoyed at myself that I didn’t seek to find primary source attestation before posting about it!)

    Though the sentiments would likely apply to her saying things such as: “Perhaps we could put aside our national, ongoing, post-9/11 Muslim butt-kissing contest and get on with the business at hand: Bombing Syria back to the stone age and permanently disarming Iran.” [source]

    by jm on Sep 11, 2013 at 2:25 am

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